Want to learn more about Jesus? You are in the right place.

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Be Like Jesus
  • Who is Jesus?

    Jesus is the Son of God. He is real and alive. He left heaven to come to Earth, so that he could fulfill the law, suffer, die, and be resurected so that you and I could be born again and be able to receive the gift of eternal life.

    What does a relationship with Jesus look like?

  • But my life is a mess

    Everyone's life get messed up at some point. The stress and weight of life can add up, and seem overwhelming. It doesn't matter what you've done, Jesus loves you. He wants the best for you. He came so that you could have life and life more abundantly. That means more joy, more peace, and no shame, no guilt and no fear. You don't have to suffer from anxiety. You can truly be free. God loves you, and the hole that you feel, the emptiness in your heart, can only be filled by God's love. No amount of sex, drugs, alohol or destructive behavior can ever fill it. Only God's love can.

  • How can I have a relationship with Jesus?

    All you have to do to begin a relationship with Jesus,is ask God to forgive you, tell him you are sorry for your sins and don't want to do the things you used to do. Ask Jesus to come into your heart. Make Him the Lord of your life. Confess Him as your Lord and Savior. It is that easy!

A Fresh Start

Having a relationship with Jesus means you get a fresh start. When you accept Jesus as your savior you become a new creation. The mistakes of the past are wiped away.

A New Purpose

Your relationship with Jesus means you have a new purpose. You no longer are living for yourself, but living for others. Your friends, your family, your co-workers and even complete strangers. True joy is found in meeting the needs of others. Bringing comfort to those in pain, bringing hope to those who are suffering. Feeding those who are hungry, and clothing those who are naked.

Absolutely Free

Living for Jesus means living absolutely free. Whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. Free from all guilt, free from all pain, free from shame. True freedom is found only in a relationship with Jesus.

Today is the day. Don't wait. Make Jesus your Lord and Savior!